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Ignore Regions

Sometimes you might want to ignore specific regions, because you know, they will always be different.
It is also possible, to ignore multiple regions, by specifying multiple coordinates and / or selectors.


All ignore regions may be configured with the optional @ key. It configures the sizes this ignore region is applied on.
If @ is not present, the ignore region will be applied on all sizes.


You may either ignore a region by specifying its coordinates (x1, y1) & (x2, y2) or ignore a specific element by its selector.

Ignoring by Coordinates


  • x1: The first part of the top-left point constructing the ignore-region.
  • y1: The second part of the top-left point constructing the ignore-region.
  • x2: The first part of the bottom-right point constructing the ignore-region.
  • y2: The second part of the bottom-right point constructing the ignore-region.


- "@": ["xxs", "xs"]
x1: 0
y1: 0
x2: 100
y2: 100

The given coordinates are used to create a rectangle. The point specified by (x1, y1) is the top-left and (x2, y2) is the bottom-right corner of the rectangle. Everything inside these coordinates is ignored.

Ignoring by Selector


  • selector: A css selector of an element which should be ignored. If the selector evaluates to multiple elements, only the first one is ignored.


- "@": ["xxs", "xs"]
selector: ".class-to-ignore"

When the element with the given selector is found, everything inside the bounds of the element is ignored.

Ignoring multiple elements by Selector


  • selectorAll: A css selector matching all elements which should be ignored.


- "@": ["xxs", "xs"]
selectorAll: ".class-to-ignore"