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Before you can run your first test suite, OSnap needs to be configured.
To do this, you need two files. The global config file and at least one test file.

All configuration files may be written in either JSON or YAML format.

The global config file has to be named osnap.config.json or osnap.config.yaml and lives in the root folder of your project. If you want to have the config file in a different location, you may specify the --config flag as an cli option.


Base Url

  • Key: baseUrl
  • Required: true
  • Type: string

The base url used for all of your tests. This gets prepended to all your test urls.

Default Sizes

  • Key: defaultSizes
  • Required: true
  • Type: Array<{name: string?, width: int, height: int}>

An array of default sizes to run your tests in. If fullScreen is set to true, the height is the minimum height of the snapshot.

You may specify an optional name for each size. This is useful for running actions or ignore regions only on some screen sizes.

Snapshot Directory

  • Key: snapshotDirectory
  • Required: false
  • Type: string
  • Default: ./__snapshots__

The relative path to a folder, where OSnap will save the base images and test results in.
This path is relative to the global config file.


  • Key: fullScreen
  • Required: false
  • Type: boolean (true / false)
  • Default: true

Set this to true if you want to capture a screenshot of the whole page.
If it is set to false, only the visible part of the viewport is captured.


  • Key: threshold
  • Required: false
  • Type: int
  • Default: 0

The number of pixels allowed to be different, before the test will be marked as failed.


  • Key: parallelism
  • Required: false
  • Type: int
  • Default: 3

The number of workers OSnap should spawn to run your tests.

Test Pattern

  • Key: testPattern
  • Required: false
  • Type: string
  • Default: **/*.osnap.json

A glob pattern used to locate the test files to run. If you want to use YAML as your test format, you have to change this.

Ignore Patterns

  • Key: ignorePatterns
  • Required: false
  • Type: Array<string>
  • Default: ["**/node_modules/**"]

An array of glob patterns to not search for test files in.

Diff-Pixel Color

  • Key: diffPixelColor
  • Required: false
  • Type: {r: int, g: int, b: int}
  • Default: {"r": 255, "g": 0, "b": 0}

The color in rgb format used to highlight different pixels in the diff image.
Only values between 0 and 255 are allowed. The default color is red.


  • Key: functions
  • Required: false
  • Type: Record<name, Array<action>>
  • Default: {}

A record of which the key is used as the function name and the value is an array of actions to be executed, when that function is called.


A full example of a global config file:

baseUrl: "http://localhost:3000"
fullScreen: true
threshold: 10
parallelism: 20

snapshotDirectory: "./__image-snapshots__"
testPattern: "src/**/*.osnap.yaml"
- node_modules
- vendor
- dist

r: 209
g: 63
b: 255

- name: xxl
width: 1600
height: 900
- name: xl
width: 1366
height: 768
- name: md
width: 1024
height: 576
- name: sm
width: 768
height: 432
- name: xs
width: 640
height: 360
- name: xxs
width: 320
height: 180

- action: click
selector: "#cookie-consent .settings"
- action: click
selector: "#cookie-consent .accept"
- action: click
selector: "#cookie-consent .confirm"
- action: type
selector: "#username"
text: "my_testuser"
- action: type
selector: "#password"
text: "password123!"
- action: click
selector: "#submit_login"